biden rejects polls showing voters trust gop handle economy

Biden rejects polls showing voters trust GOP to handle the economy

Biden touts his 'mega MAGA trickle-down' attacks on GOP policies to MSNBC's Jonathan Capehart

 President Biden was quick to reject polls that consistently show Americans trust Republicans to handle the economy ahead of midterm elections. 

During an interview on MSNBC, Biden was asked about his new "mega MAGA trickle-down" attacks on GOP economic policies.

"But here's a problem, I think, for you and Democrats," said MSNBC's Jonathan Capehart. "Despite all the good economic news, low unemployment, record job creation, wage increases, social security, cost of living adjustment to 8.7% — the highest in 40 years."

"And yet, poll after poll shows that the American people trust Republicans on the economy and think that Republicans should control Congress. How do you break through that?" Capehart asked. 

"Well, first of all, I’m not sure about the polls," Biden responded. "Because the way people conduct polls today, it’s hard — 90% of it is you got a telephone where you have to call seven times to get somebody to answer the phone, number one." 

"Number two, a lot of what we have done and we have passed has not kicked in yet," Biden said. "For example, you know, we have all this money to rebuild the highways, bridges, internet, etc., but it’s gonna take time. It’s not going to happen overnight. It's not like we passed a law and all of a sudden the highways and bridges are all functioning. It’s not like we’re in a position where we say no senior, which we do, is going to have to pay more than $2,000 a year for their drug costs. It hasn’t kicked in yet. It doesn’t kick in until next year." 

"A lot of what we have done, people are hurting," he added. "They’re hurting because when you take away that margin for people sitting around the kitchen table and they’re paying, you know, three times as much or two times or one-and-a-half as much for gasoline, it matters."